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What is GoSHowcase?All students in the regions from Year 5 through to Year 12 are invited to attend a FREE interactive tech conference featuring; Keynote Presentations Industry demonstrations Live panel Interactions Innovation Challenges Heaps of Fun! This one day showcase brings the big wigs of the tech industry to the regions and is aimed at empowering young people through disruption and innovation. You can register for current GoSHowcase events HERE
Who can take part in GoSHowcase?GoSHowcase is open to young people of Primary or Secondary level under 18 years, who live in the GoSHowcase Region (eg. GoSHowcase PEEL is open to Peel residents). To host a GoSHowcase in your Region please contact the GoSH team directly. To Register for a current GoSHowcase event, register online now.
GoSHowcase ProgramPlease see the Schedule on the event you are attending. Full programs will be available under "Schedule" on the event page closer to the event date EVENTS
GoSH Roll'dGoSh is all about FUN! Check out our interactive GoSHowcase page HERE for some in-show fun!
What if my child doesn't attend school, can they still register for GoSHowcase?Absolutely, please register your child and select 'Homeschool' under the 'Select a School' section.
We are a school outside of the current GoSHowcase Region. Can we still attend?Please contact our team directly to discuss
We need a list of paperwork as required by the Department of Education for an excursion plan, are you able to provide this?Yes, we have a pack of all required documents ready to be emailed to you after you have registered online.
What is GoSHackathon?Hack: To elegantly solve problems in a creative and unique way. At the GoSHackathon we ask teams (2-5 people) to think of future solutions to problems relevant to the region that will be presented to them on the day. We are looking for creativity, future tech ideas, teamwork, and innovation. You will enter as a team of 2-5 people from anywhere. You don’t have to be at the same school, simply enter the category of your oldest team member. PRIMARY CATEGORY: You have 3 hours to work on a solution to one of three problems that we will present you with on the day. SECONDARY CATEGORY: You have 5 hours to work on a solution to one of three problems that we will present you with on the day. You will be competing against other teams for some HUGE prizes! You can register for current GoSHackathon events HERE
Who can take part in GoSHackathon?GoSHackathon is open to all young people of Primary or Secondary level under 18 years, who live in WA.
GoSHackathon ProgramPlease see the Schedule on the event you are attending. Full programs will be available under "Schedule" on the event page closer to the event date EVENTS
GoSHackathon: WHAT TO EXPECT ON THE DAYUpon arrival, see our friendly crew at the GoSH registration desk. Collect your team lanyards, showbag, and resource kit. Find a spot where you would like to work with your team and set up your base and stash your snacks. All teams will attend a briefing where further instructions will be provided. All teams will have the option of working with a mentor to assist them throughout the day. What do we have to do? Have fun! Work together as a group and our GoSH mentors will support the hackathon steps. What will the judges be looking for? You will be provided with this information on the day, so you don’t need to remember it all now. Judges will be roaming and watching throughout the event. Here’s what they are looking for: 1) Be able to show brainstorming (this could be on paper, on a whiteboard, in a mind map, using an app, drawing). However you like, as long as you can show the judges you did it. 2) Select an idea as a team, based on your brainstorming. Be able to explain to the judges how you came to a decision as a team. 3) Clearly write/type/display your solution statement/idea. Eg. We are solving XXXX problem by XXXXXXX 4) Begin design process. This can be done as a storyboard on paper, using an app, or physically creating a first draft. 5) Be able to demonstrate/talk to judges about what you like or didn’t like about your idea. Show how you made changes and improvements. 6) Create a prototype – this means a copy of what your idea/solution will be (so it doesn’t have to work). Prototypes can be presented in a variety of forms. For example, on paper, on an app, built with paper, built with LEGO, coded, digital 3D, as a game, as a video. There are no restrictions. 7) Pitch your idea. As a group, you will need to explain your idea clearly to the judges and answer any questions they may have about the above steps. Your pitch can be pre-recorded for judges to watch on a video, or delivered live in front of only your judges. Teams who would like to present their pitch to the other teams and parents on the day will be given this opportunity. However, this pitch delivery will not impact scoring. *Pitch means to share your idea in a persuasive way. - Explain the problem - Explain your solution - Identify the linked SDGs - Tell us why your idea is amazing!
What are the rules of GoSHackathon?GoSHackathon Hackathon Competition Rules, Terms and Conditions
What if my child doesn't attend school, can they still participate at GoSHackathon?Absolutely, please register your child and select 'Homeschool' under the 'Select a School' section
Do teachers need to attend GoSHackathon with their student's teams?No, our friendly volunteers and committee will oversee all teams. Teachers do not need to prepare teams for the competition.
Are spectators allowed at the GoSHackathon?Parents and spectators are invited to attend the opening ceremony and the pitches and presentations at the end of the event (pitching in front of the audience is not compulsory). The competition floor will be closed to parents during the event but we will have plenty of mentors supporting the teams who are all qualified in their fields and have Working With Children Checks. If your child has individual needs and requires a support person, this is of course permitted. Participants will also be able to call their parents if they are nervous or anxious.
I want to enter but don’t have a team?No problem! Please register online (select the box for 'No, Please allocate participant to a Team' when prompted) and the GoSH crew will do our best to allocate the participant to a team.
Do teams need to be from the same school?No, just like in the real world collaboration spans beyond the classroom. We encourage young people from a diversity of backgrounds to work together.
What if we have a mixed age team?That is great. Enter the category based on your eldest team member's age. For example if your team member ages are 10, 10 & 14, you enter the secondary category.
Can I add more people to my team?If your team has less than 5 people, sure thing. Tell the additional member your team name and ask them to fill out the online registration form.
I have more than 5 people for my team, can we still compete?Sure, but you will just need to split up and register as two teams.
I don't know my whole team yet?No problem! Register yourself and write down your team name. Additional members can add themselves later by using your team name
Can we use AI for our solution?Yes, in fact there is an award category for best use of data and AI, thanks to our sponsors WA Data Science Innovation Hub.
What will the Judges want to see?You will be provided with this information on the day, so you don’t need to remember it all now. Judges will be roaming and watching throughout the event. Here’s what they are looking for: Be able to show brainstorming (this could be on paper, on a whiteboard, in a mind map, using an app, drawing). However you like, as long as you can show the judges you did it. Select an idea as a team, based on your brainstorming. Be able to explain to the judges how you came to a decision as a team. Clearly write/type/display your solution statement/idea. Eg. We are solving XXXX problem by XXXXXXX Begin design process. This can be done as a storyboard on paper, using an app, or physically creating a first draft. Be able to demonstrate/talk to judges about what you like or didn’t like about your idea. Show how you made changes and improvements. Create a prototype – this means a copy of what your idea/solution will be (so it doesn’t have to work). Prototypes can be presented in a variety of forms. For example, on paper, on an app, built with paper, built with LEGO, coded, digital 3D, as a game, as a video. There are no restrictions. Pitch your idea. As a group, you will need to explain your idea clearly to the judges and answer any questions they may have about the above steps. Your pitch can be pre-recorded for judges to watch on a video, or delivered live in front of only your judges. Teams who would like to present their pitch to the other teams and parents on the day will be given this opportunity. However, this pitch delivery will not impact scoring.
Tips for the GoSHackathonYour solution must link to the Sustainable Development Goal(s). You will be shown these on the day and you can also look them up now. Your solution must involve technology as the main solution. For example, you can’t say your solution is a new law and that people can look up the new law on their phones. But you can say a new app will be on everyone’s phone and then explain the app. You will be judged on teamwork and how you work as a group. Record everything as you go. The judges will be looking at your processes, not just a finished idea/prototype. It is possible for a team to score highly without a finished prototype. If you show teamwork, trial and error, testing and developing, creativity, and strong links to the sustainability goals, you can still pick up a lot of points and possibly even win.
GoSH WiFi Agreement and Terms of UseGoSH WiFi Agreement and Terms of Use
Which type of device will I need?Teams are advised to have at least one device such as a tablet or laptop between them. Mobile phones are permitted but will not be suitable as the only team device.
Can I borrow a device?Sure thing! Please tick the ‘loan device’ tick box on the online registration and ensure participant follows the Loan Device Agreement
GoSHackathon Loan Device AgreementGoSHackathon Loan Device Agreement Loan Device Agreement
Do all GoSH volunteers have a valid WWCC?Yes they do, unless they are under the age of 18
Can parents volunteer?Yes they can. Please note you will not be able to volunteer to support your child’s team at the hackathon. VOLUNTEER HERE
Mentors InformationWe anticipate the primary and secondary school categories to be full with 20 teams participating in each so we will need lots of mentors. Here is some important information regarding mentoring at GoSH: 1. Mentors are required to have their WWCC on them at all times. 2. Please arrive ready for briefing. 3. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. 4. Please note, you will not be permitted to mentor a team with a family member participating. 5. Mentors will be provided with a hi-vis vest and lanyard for identification. 6. Mentors will be encouraged to work among 2 or 3 teams, supporting participation in the event. 4. Mentoring is an ongoing process on the event day and you are encouraged to take as many breaks as required throughout the day. Please contact us ASAP if you are unwell or unable to attend last minute on the day.
Mentor Itinerary
Mentor Tips and GuidelinesGoSHackathon - Mentor Mentoring at GoSH is very rewarding. You will be amazed by what the teams come up with. The front of the comic provides a step-by-step approach to tackling the chosen challenge. Please refer teams back to this guide throughout GoSHackathon to assist keeping teams on track. Tips versus Tell - it is very tempting to want to ‘tell’ young people what to do, or to provide them with a solution to a stage they are stuck on. Tips are OK, but PLEASE do not tell them your ideas or solution. Here is how: Instead of giving solutions, ask questions like, “What do you think might work?” or “How could you (or another person in the community) approach this differently?” “Has everyone on the team shared their thoughts? Promote creative thinking by encouraging teams to come up with multiple solutions in the brainstorming . Ask, “What are some other ways you could solve this?” If a team is stuck in where to start with their solution, encourage them to break their ideas down into smaller, more manageable parts. If a team is overwhelmed or disengaged (common reaction to not knowing where to start - especially in the PS category), ask, “What’s a small step you can take?” Remember to refer them back to the steps in the comic. Reinforce the idea that challenges are opportunities to innovate. Use phrases like, “This is a great problem to have. It will help you come up with an even better solution.” “It’s okay that it didn’t work this time. What else can you try?” Remind teams to use the materials, resources, and tools provided that can help them plan and ideate. Give them space. Once the requirement is clear, step away and give them time and space to think through the problem without rushing them. It’s tempting to want to hurry them along, or to step in when they are not being constructive. Trust in the process here and make space. Encourage reflection by asking what worked and what didn’t. Questions like, “What would you do differently next time?” Recognise their effort and thought process, regardless of whether they have solved the problem. Say things like, “I can see you worked hard on this.” Use specific examples for these comments such as, “This is an excellent example of how your team collaborated to come up with a description of your prototype.” Model a positive attitude about problem-solving. Show enthusiasm and confidence in their ability to find a solution. Participants will react differently under stress, so encourage use of the time-out activities and the chill zone.
Judges InformationWe anticipate the primary and secondary school categories to be full with 20 teams participating in each so we will need lots of judges. Here is some important information regarding judging at GoSH: 1. Judges are required to have their WWCC on them at all times. 2. Please arrive ready for judges briefing for the primary category and secondary category at the designated times 3. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. 4. Please note, you will not be permitted to judge a team with a family member or student participating. 5. Judges will be provided with a hi-vis vest and lanyard for identification. 6. Judges will work in teams of three and judge 4 teams PS Category observation of team work, then allotted 10 mins per team for judge questions and pitch, with 5 min intervals between teams. PS scores uploaded no later than designated time on the day. SS Category 15 mins per team for judge questions, returning for 5 min pitch. SS scores uploaded by no later than designated time on the day. Judging is an ongoing process on the day and you are encouraged to take as many breaks as required throughout the day. Please contact us ASAP if you are unwell or unable to attend last minute on the day.
Judges Itinerary
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